
Star wars jedi knight jedi academy xbox 360
Star wars jedi knight jedi academy xbox 360

star wars jedi knight jedi academy xbox 360

New lightsaber and force abilities are unlockable as the campaign progresses, but generally, despite combat sometimes being floaty, Jedi Academy excels in making you feel like a master of this weapon. Slashing your lightsaber is a simple case of tapping the ZR button, but you’ll soon get addicted to throwing it at enemies using ZL. Whereas the latter felt very dated from a design standpoint and required you to wrestle with gun aiming and tiny enemy hitboxes, Jedi Academy lets you get to grips with your lightsaber immediately.

star wars jedi knight jedi academy xbox 360

What’s great about Jedi Academy compared to last year’s re-release of Jedi Outcast is that it leans on its strengths right away. It’s a cool approach as far as continuing the story beyond Return of the Jedi and the other Jedi Knight games go, one that sees you undertake several space-spanning operations in pursuit of a mysterious Sith cult, the Disciples of Ragnos. Here you create your own character, Jaden Korr, who begins his/her path to becoming a Jedi by training under Katarn’s and Luke Skywalker’s wing.


Whereas previous games in the Jedi Knight series saw you play as rebel-turned-Jedi Kyle Katarn, Jedi Academy originally released in 2003 gives players a new approach. One minute you’re rescuing hostages, the next you’re fleeing from a Rancor. The missions in Jedi Academy are extremely varied. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is a prime example, delivering fun lightsaber combat, a deep story and now some nice, tidied up visuals. It’s a good thing, then, that Star Wars games from the early ’00s aren’t just good, but genuinely some of the best Expanded Universe (EU) content ever released. But while the glitzy spectacle of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is reserved for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, those wanting to enjoy Jedi antics on Switch must make do with ports of pre-existing titles. You wait so long for a decent Star Wars game to release under EA’s watch, and you get a whole bunch suddenly dropping at once.

Star wars jedi knight jedi academy xbox 360